上一期的内容讲完了一些针对文件的简单处理以及符号决议,这一期的主要内容是在这之后针对mergeable section的决议与合并。
resolve_section_pieces 这个过程是将mergeable的section split到更小的pieces中,并且将每一个piece和其他来自不同文件的pieces进行合并,最典型的例子是不同object file中string段的合并。mold中称mergeable section原子单元为section pieces。
resolve and merge
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 template <typename E>void resolve_section_pieces (Context<E> &ctx) { Timer t (ctx, "resolve_section_pieces" ) ; tbb::parallel_for_each (ctx.objs, [&](ObjectFile<E> *file) { file->initialize_mergeable_sections (ctx); }); tbb::parallel_for_each (ctx.objs, [&](ObjectFile<E> *file) { file->resolve_section_pieces (ctx); }); }
initialize_mergeable_sections mold中attach section pieces symbols
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 template <typename E>void ObjectFile<E>::initialize_mergeable_sections (Context<E> &ctx) { mergeable_sections.resize (sections.size ()); for (i64 i = 0 ; i < sections.size (); i++) { if (std::unique_ptr<InputSection<E>> &isec = sections[i]) { if (std::unique_ptr<MergeableSection<E>> m = split_section (ctx, *isec)) { mergeable_sections[i] = std::move (m); isec->is_alive = false ; } } } }
MergeableSection 首先我们来看和MergeableSection相关的数据结构,有如下三个
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 template <typename E>struct MergeableSection { std::pair<SectionFragment<E> *, i64> get_fragment (i64 offset); MergedSection<E> *parent; u8 p2align = 0 ; std::vector<std::string_view> strings; std::vector<u64> hashes; std::vector<u32> frag_offsets; std::vector<SectionFragment<E> *> fragments; };
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 template <typename E>class MergedSection : public Chunk<E> {public : static MergedSection<E> * get_instance (Context<E> &ctx, std::string_view name, u64 type, u64 flags) ; SectionFragment<E> *insert (std::string_view data, u64 hash, i64 p2align) ; void assign_offsets (Context<E> &ctx) ; void copy_buf (Context<E> &ctx) override ; void write_to (Context<E> &ctx, u8 *buf) override ; void print_stats (Context<E> &ctx) ; HyperLogLog estimator; private : MergedSection (std::string_view name, u64 flags, u32 type); ConcurrentMap<SectionFragment<E>> map; std::vector<i64> shard_offsets; std::once_flag once_flag; };
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 template <typename E>struct SectionFragment { SectionFragment (MergedSection<E> *sec) : output_section (*sec) {} SectionFragment (const SectionFragment &other) : output_section (other.output_section), offset (other.offset), p2align (other.p2align.load ()), is_alive (other.is_alive.load ()) {} u64 get_addr (Context<E> &ctx) const ; MergedSection<E> &output_section; u32 offset = -1 ; std::atomic_uint8_t p2align = 0 ; std::atomic_bool is_alive = false ; };
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 MergedSection<E>::get_instance (Context<E> &ctx, std::string_view name, u64 type, u64 flags) { name = get_merged_output_name (ctx, name, flags); flags = flags & ~(u64)SHF_GROUP & ~(u64)SHF_COMPRESSED; auto find = [&]() -> MergedSection * { for (std::unique_ptr<MergedSection<E>> &osec : ctx.merged_sections) if (std::tuple (name, flags, type) == std::tuple (osec->name, osec->shdr.sh_flags, osec->shdr.sh_type)) return osec.get (); return nullptr ; }; static std::shared_mutex mu; { std::shared_lock lock (mu) ; if (MergedSection *osec = find ()) return osec; } std::unique_lock lock (mu) ; if (MergedSection *osec = find ()) return osec; MergedSection *osec = new MergedSection (name, flags, type); ctx.merged_sections.emplace_back (osec); return osec; }
split_section 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 template <typename E>static std::unique_ptr<MergeableSection<E>>split_section (Context<E> &ctx, InputSection<E> &sec) { if (!sec.is_alive || sec.sh_size == 0 || sec.relsec_idx != -1 ) return nullptr ; const ElfShdr<E> &shdr = sec.shdr (); if (!(shdr.sh_flags & SHF_MERGE)) return nullptr ;
由于是针对mergeable section,而判断标准则是根据section header中的sh_flgas的值,因此先通过检查flga来进行过滤。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 std::unique_ptr<MergeableSection<E>> rec (new MergeableSection<E>); rec->parent = MergedSection<E>::get_instance (ctx, sec.name (), shdr.sh_type, shdr.sh_flags); rec->p2align = sec.p2align; sec.uncompress (ctx); std::string_view data = sec.contents; const char *begin = data.data ();u64 entsize = shdr.sh_entsize; HyperLogLog estimator;
split string 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 if (shdr.sh_flags & SHF_STRINGS) { if (entsize == 0 ) { entsize = 1 ; } while (!data.empty ()) { size_t end = find_null (data, entsize); if (end == data.npos) Fatal (ctx) << sec << ": string is not null terminated" ; std::string_view substr = data.substr (0 , end + entsize); data = data.substr (end + entsize); rec->strings.push_back (substr); rec->frag_offsets.push_back (substr.data () - begin); u64 hash = hash_string (substr); rec->hashes.push_back (hash); estimator.insert (hash); } } static size_t find_null (std::string_view data, u64 entsize) { if (entsize == 1 ) return data.find ('\0' ); for (i64 i = 0 ; i <= data.size () - entsize; i += entsize) if (data.substr (i, entsize).find_first_not_of ('\0' ) == data.npos) return i; return data.npos; }
split other 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 else { if (entsize == 0 ) return nullptr ; if (data.size () % entsize) Fatal (ctx) << sec << ": section size is not multiple of sh_entsize" ; while (!data.empty ()) { std::string_view substr = data.substr (0 , entsize); data = data.substr (entsize); rec->strings.push_back (substr); rec->frag_offsets.push_back (substr.data () - begin); u64 hash = hash_string (substr); rec->hashes.push_back (hash); estimator.insert (hash); } }
和split string的区别在于不是通过’\0’而是通过entsize判断一个piece的结束位置
1 2 3 4 rec->parent->estimator.merge (estimator); static Counter counter ("string_fragments" ) ;counter += rec->fragments.size (); return rec;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 template <typename E>void ObjectFile<E>::resolve_section_pieces (Context<E> &ctx) { for (std::unique_ptr<MergeableSection<E>> &m : mergeable_sections) { if (m) { m->fragments.reserve (m->strings.size ()); for (i64 i = 0 ; i < m->strings.size (); i++) m->fragments.push_back (m->parent->insert (m->strings[i], m->hashes[i], m->p2align)); m->strings.clear (); m->hashes.clear (); } }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 for (i64 i = 1 ; i < this ->elf_syms.size (); i++) { Symbol<E> &sym = *this ->symbols[i]; const ElfSym<E> &esym = this ->elf_syms[i]; if (esym.is_abs () || esym.is_common () || esym.is_undef ()) continue ; std::unique_ptr<MergeableSection<E>> &m = mergeable_sections[get_shndx (esym)]; if (!m) continue ; SectionFragment<E> *frag; i64 frag_offset; std::tie (frag, frag_offset) = m->get_fragment (esym.st_value); if (!frag) Fatal (ctx) << *this << ": bad symbol value: " << esym.st_value; sym.set_frag (frag); sym.value = frag_offset; }
之后是attach section piece to symbols的过程。本质的操作是将对应的有定义的且非abs的符号关联到对应的fragment。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 i64 nfrag_syms = 0 ; for (std::unique_ptr<InputSection<E>> &isec : sections) if (isec && isec->is_alive && (isec->shdr ().sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC)) for (ElfRel<E> &r : isec->get_rels (ctx)) if (const ElfSym<E> &esym = this ->elf_syms[r.r_sym]; esym.st_type == STT_SECTION && mergeable_sections[get_shndx (esym)]) nfrag_syms++; this ->frag_syms.resize (nfrag_syms);
接下来是引用mergeable section的relocation symbol,会针对每一个这样的symbol redirect rel sym到一个新创建的dummy到symbol上。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 i64 idx = 0 ; for (std::unique_ptr<InputSection<E>> &isec : sections) { if (!isec || !isec->is_alive || !(isec->shdr ().sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC)) continue ; for (ElfRel<E> &r : isec->get_rels (ctx)) { const ElfSym<E> &esym = this ->elf_syms[r.r_sym]; if (esym.st_type != STT_SECTION) continue ; std::unique_ptr<MergeableSection<E>> &m = mergeable_sections[get_shndx (esym)]; if (!m) continue ; i64 r_addend = get_addend (*isec, r); SectionFragment<E> *frag; i64 in_frag_offset; std::tie (frag, in_frag_offset) = m->get_fragment (esym.st_value + r_addend); if (!frag) Fatal (ctx) << *this << ": bad relocation at " << r.r_sym; Symbol<E> &sym = this ->frag_syms[idx]; sym.file = this ; sym.set_name ("<fragment>" ); sym.sym_idx = r.r_sym; sym.visibility = STV_HIDDEN; sym.set_frag (frag); sym.value = in_frag_offset - r_addend; r.r_sym = this ->elf_syms.size () + idx; idx++; } } template <typename E>inline i64 get_addend (u8 *loc, const ElfRel<E> &rel) { return rel.r_addend; } template <typename E>std::pair<SectionFragment<E> *, i64> MergeableSection<E>::get_fragment (i64 offset) { std::vector<u32> &vec = frag_offsets; auto it = std::upper_bound (vec.begin (), vec.end (), offset); i64 idx = it - 1 - vec.begin (); return {fragments[idx], offset - vec[idx]}; }
1 2 3 4 5 6 sym.sym_idx = r.r_sym; r.r_sym = this ->elf_syms.size () + idx; i32 sym_idx = -1 ;
1 2 3 4 assert (idx == this ->frag_syms.size ());for (Symbol<E> &sym : this ->frag_syms) this ->symbols.push_back (&sym);
MergedSection::insert 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 template <typename E>SectionFragment<E> * MergedSection<E>::insert (std::string_view data, u64 hash, i64 p2align) { std::call_once (once_flag, [&] { map.resize (estimator.get_cardinality () * 3 / 2 ); }); SectionFragment<E> *frag; bool inserted; std::tie (frag, inserted) = map.insert (data, hash, SectionFragment (this )); assert (frag); update_maximum (frag->p2align, p2align); return frag; } ConcurrentMap<SectionFragment<E>> map;
在看到这里的实现我在想,在merge string的时候是要比较长度吗,在这里我得到了答案,是直接通过之前保存的hash保证unique。
This file implements HyperLogLog algorithm, which estimates the number of unique items in a given multiset.
HyperLogLog is an algorithm for the count-distinct problem, approximating the number of distinct elements in a multiset . Calculating the exact cardinality of the distinct elements of a multiset requires an amount of memory proportional to the cardinality, which is impractical for very large data sets.
整个过程的回顾 resolve_section_pieces由两部分操作组成
strings Merge到相关联的MergedSection中
symbols attach to piece section